The Beginners Guide to Tracking Your Appraisals

Traversing through new software can be difficult. Many times we work our way through something new only to find that the effort we put in was in vain. Perhaps we’ve been doing it the wrong way or it was wholly unnecessary. It’s something we’ve all been through and depends on your grasp of technology, or perhaps more importantly, your level of patience. That’s why we wrote this beginners guide to help you navigate some of the basic features of the ANOW software.
Your Beginners Guide to Tracking Appraisals
That said, things don’t have to be this way. A little patience, intuition, and a helping hand can eliminate these issues. When it comes to appraisals, it’s fair to say that in some organizations information is scattered and not always easily accessible. It’s certainly frustrating when this information is paramount to performing the job. If this information were all in one place with the ability to access it all at the click of a button, many headaches would be cured before they have a chance to begin.
We thought it best to take a look at some of the most important duties an appraiser performs:
- Inputting an appraisal,
- Finding comparables, and,
- Creating invoices.
Today we are going to discuss how easy these tasks are using ANOW’s software. Having an idea of things before getting started imparts a sense of confidence. With that in mind, let’s take a look at a few of the ANOW basics and how they can make the day-to-day workings of appraising that much easier.
Appraisal Inputs with ANOW
Using ANOW’s software, inputting a new appraisal should only take 30 seconds. With a form already set up within the software, it’s as simple as inputting all the pertinent data and having the software autofill other portions, such as postal codes, validating addresses, and calculating driving distances from each property. By simply clicking the requisite spot to add a new appraisal and input the data, time is already being saved.
With this feature, there will be no more running back and forth finding paper information in different places. No more manual filing, it’s simple and effective.
Finding Appraisal Comparables
Another simple yet vitally important feature contained within ANOW’s software is the comparable database. Within that database, you will see every comparable appraisal that’s ever been done by the organization. The integrated search function will allow you to find any of these appraisals depending your search criteria. When searching, all attached files, whether they be blueprints, photos, or sales documents will be contained within that file allowing you to get a holistic view of the previous appraisal. y simply searching for any keyword you’ll find what you’re looking for within seconds without the hassle and headache of finding it manually.
By simply searching for a keyword you’ll find the comparables you’re looking for within seconds without the hassle and headache of finding it manually.
Creating Appraisal Invoices
Paper invoices can be a headache. Depending on the system being put to use at your organization, invoices, while clearly necessary, can be tedious and time-consuming. Are you ever jumping back and forth from different systems? There is a better way. With ANOW’s software, invoices can be created at the click of a button on any client record. Not only that, but invoices can be created and finished in the field, saving a ton of time that would be spent running to and from the office. Once an invoice has been created and issued you’re able to track its progress and see whether it’s been paid or not, getting updates for those that are outstanding.
Once an invoice has been created and issued you’re able to track its progress and see whether it’s been paid or not, getting updates for those that are outstanding.
All of these functions have been created to save time, make your life easier, and keep your business moving in the right direction. Simple to understand and simple to use, the implementation of ANOW’s software will only serve to take your business to the next level. Thanks for reading the beginners guide to tracking with ANOW. For more on how to utilize our software take our tour.