Have you digitized your business?

by | Aug 19, 2019 | Efficiency

I haven’t printed out a piece of paper for my business in at least a year now, and the Anow mobile app is a lifesaver.” – Mark Skapinetz

When you’re in the business of delivering a product or service to a client, it’s important to keep things simple and organized. Long gone are the days of keeping notes on paper – evolving your business into a fully electronic system will make your clients happy, and you’ll save time and money. Win-win!

Mark Skapinetz, owner of What It’s Worth Appraisal Services and practicing appraiser of 16 years, credits Anow’s cloud-based record management and mobile app with transforming his business from paper-based to fully digital. “I haven’t printed out a piece of paper for my business in at least a year now, and the Anow mobile app is a lifesaver. It allows me to track report progress and see all the info and documents associated with an order, from anywhere, without having to log into multiple websites,” he shares. 

Not only is his business now digitally organized on one cohesive platform, but he also has eliminated the need to hire additional admin staff thanks to the automation Anow provides. “Anow is great for me because it absorbs my admin duties,” Skapinetz says. “I don’t need someone taking orders, doing data entry, communicating with clients or watching my books – I can do it all myself with the help of technology.”


Learn how Mark uses Anow as a one-man shop

A few years ago, Skapinetz found that the impact of stricter industry regulation and increased mortgage lender dependence on appraisal management companies was affecting his company’s bottom line. Click here to download Mark’s full story ⟶


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