Introducing: Revisions Status

Attention, ANOW users!
You’ve been asking for months – and we are pleased to introduce the new Revisions Status. The Revision flag feature was designed to save you time by giving you the opportunity to better identify your appraisals that need review at a quick glance.
You can flag any appraisal in progress that it needs a revision. An E-mail is then sent to the appraiser with a reason why(if given). After the revision reason has been met, the status can then be moved back to any status and out of the revision step. Learn more about what the revision flag does, here. Any appraisal that has gone through this step will be flagged as Revised.
On the dashboard, you can now see a filter in the top right with a number of appraisals with revisions required.
Finished your revisions, and want to move it OUT of the revision state?
Head BACK into your appraisal details, and where it says Revision needed, click on that. Include a note for what has been revised (optional), then click Revised. This will remove the revision status, but the appraisal will have a flag that shows it did have revisions. The flag will show on the appraisal dashboard, and everything will be noted in your activity feed.
Learn more about the revised state.