Anow Gives Andy Quiggins Simplicity That Scales With His Growing Appraisal Firm

Andy Quiggins has completed more
than 15,000 appraisals over a career as a licensed real estate appraiser that spans more than 20 years. He’s also an investor, licensed real estate agent and contributor to multiple appraisal Mastermind groups. 

In 2008, he founded Quiggins Appraisal Services, an independent appraisal firm offering residential appraisals and specialty valuation services in Kentucky and Indiana. Independent appraisal firms often operate as family businesses, and Quiggins Appraisal is no exception. When Quiggins’ wife joined the firm’s support staff a few years ago, he took the opportunity to upgrade to a software suite that would streamline administrative activities and facilitate collaboration between the field and the office.

The feature-rich platform simplifies the daily routine for Quiggins and his support staff in a number of ways:


  • Year-Over-Year Reporting
  • Location-Based Scheduling
  • Daily Snapshot Emails
  • Simplicity That Scales

Download the full case study to read about Andy Quiggins’ challenges, solutions & results.

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