What we’ve been up to: July – October 2019
Here’s a look at all the releases (big and small) that have hit Anow in the last quarter, along with a look at what’s ahead.
We try our best to keep everyone updated with features as we release them, but sometimes things get missed! Here’s a round-up of everything we’ve been working on since July.
👉Have something you’d like to see? Get in touch with us! Click the green smiley face in the bottom right corner.
New Dashboard View
Released May 2019
Remember that new Dashboard view we released in May? We spent the whole summer fine-tuning it, and we are finally ready for the old view to be phased out. We are still always open to hearing feedback, so if you think of ways it could be even further improved–we are all ears.
Still using the old view? Let’s switch over! Click the button below on your dashboard to switch to the new view!

Another great update to the dashboard is configurable filters so you can customize your view. Don’t need to see review filters? Turn them off!
Still unsure about the new view? Click here to learn some tips and tricks that’ll help you understand the improvements we made!
Custom Report Types & Loan Types
Released August 20, 2019
We’ve added two new dropdowns to your settings page – meaning less data entry and typing in the same thing over and over! You can customize these new dropdowns on the Company Settings page.
There is also a new checkbox underneath Report Types. When checked off, it allows report types to be dynamically added to the dropdown when used in the new appraisal or details page. This means, every time you add a new Report Type, you won’t have to type it in again next time. (You can go and edit/remove these at anytime on the settings page).
Last but not least – Analytics! These new fields will show stats in your analytics as well.
Enhanced Assign
Released October 3, 2019
We rolled out some awesome new functionality when assigning out your orders. You can now easily assign appraisers based on appraiser location, coverage area, and appraisal capacity.
There’s also additional filters to help narrow down the best appraiser, such as order capacity, location, and distance from property address. Learn more about enhanced assign in the support article here.
Pssst! Don’t forget we added in the Multi-Assignee feature earlier this year. Click here for more details!

Be smarter when assigning.
Narrow down the best person for the job, based on capacity, proximity, coverage and more!
Appraisers: Set your monthly capacity!
Released October 3, 2019
Help the admins decide who best to assign orders to. In your user profile, you can now set your monthly capacity! Just go to your Profile > Details, and fill in your capacity in the field.
Anow Enterprise: Veroscore
Released October 3, 2019
Veros delivers AVM confidence scores on a scale of one to 100 that are designed for easy integration into automated systems. Our confidence scores are proven to be highly correlated to the accuracy of the estimate of value. (*$5 charge per request)
Note: This is an Enterprise feature. Interested in learning if Anow Enterprise is right for you? Click here and book a demo!

Anow Enterprise: QC Review Process
Released August 2019
Side by side review manager to easily review appraisal reports beside your custom QC checklists.
Note: This is an Enterprise feature. Interested in learning if Anow Enterprise is right for you? Click here and book a demo!
New E-mail Reply Function
Released October 22, 2019
At the bottom of every system e-mail, you’ll now see the following message:
You can reply to this email to send a message, or respond in Anow.
You can simply reply to the e-mail, OR if you click on respond in Anow, it will take you to an external page where you can type your response – BOTH ways will post your comment onto the order.
Great for when you’re on the go and want to respond quickly and easily! Responding to messages just got easier.
Last but not least – our Report Writer, Nexus, is in open beta!
Not yet fully released
Still using legacy software to build your reports? Nexus is the industry’s first form filler that’s available on the web, or downloadable on your PC or Mac, and it’s completely collaborative, meaning you no longer need to pass the file back and forth. Our mobile app is the first to harness the flow of a real appraiser walking through a property room-by-room to do the inspection. You can finally replace your pen and paper and be much more efficient. When you leave the property, everything is already synced back to the report writer, plus it works completely offline.
Interested in trying it out? Send a message to our support team, and we’ll get you added! We are looking for feedback on how we can improve and get it ready for launch.

Want to see your feature here next quarter?
We value your feedback, and we’re always open to hearing suggestions you have for Anow. Most of our updates come straight from our customers! To share your feedback, simply click that green smiley face in the bottom right of your screen!
You guys rock! Thanks for continually making the product better.