7 Ways To Appraise Like A Pro With Anow
Our main goal at Anow is to simplify the lives of property appraisers and valuers with technology that automates and speeds up the appraisal process from start to finish.
We’ve been releasing a lot of updates and new features recently, so we’ve decided to share some of our favourite and lesser-known tips that are guaranteed to make your experience using Anow even better. These tips are for the appraisers, admins, and business owners who want to save more time and get more organized.
Anow Pro Tip #1
When booking off half days, use the Week or Day views on the calendar. This way you will clearly be able to see your time off. Using the Week view for example, I can easily see that I booked off the afternoon of Thursday June 11th (12 pm to 11:59 pm). This is also helpful for Admins who schedule appointments for a team of appraisers.
For more information on how to block time off for an appointment or vacation, click here!

Anow Pro Tip #2
Save yourself some clicks and use the Order Lifecycle Rules tool to turn on a rule that will automatically mark your appraisals as being in a Complete status as soon as you upload the final report.
Please Note: This feature is part of the Anow Accelerate plan.
Anow Pro Tip #3
Want to quickly find out how many open and completed orders you have? Get user order statistics for each appraiser at a glance simply by visiting their user profile.

Take it a step further and click on “Open Orders” or “Completed Orders” to be taken to your main appraisal list with the relevant filters applied. For example, I click on “Completed Orders” in the user details section for Brenda Smith. I’m automatically taken to the main dashboard and I can see that the filters are set so that only orders assigned to Brenda that are in a Completed status are being displayed.

Anow Pro Tip #4
See the appraisals you have appointments for today and tomorrow in less than 5 seconds! Just login to Anow and click the relevant filter from the main dashboard where all of your appraisals are listed.

Anow Pro Tip #5
Use the Insights tool to generate an Earnings Report and get detailed business data in as few as 3 mouse clicks.
- Go to Insights from the drop-down menu
- Set the date range you want to generate results for
- Click download!
It’s totally optional, but you can also choose to generate results based on the Completed Date or Created Date.
The standard Earnings Report shows you the created and completed date, full address, assigned appraiser, Ordered By client details, order status, report fee, appraiser fee and net earnings amount for each order in the date range you choose.

Anow Pro Tip #6
Access a Map View of your entire appraisal list with a click of a button! You can see geographically where each individual order is located, and you always have quick and easy access to the full order details using the Quick View panel.
Visualize your driving route before you step foot out the door and get a clear picture of where most of your orders, or highest paying orders, come from.

Anow Pro Tip #7
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the amount of emails and notifications you receive each day? Customize your notification settings in Anow so you only get updates on the things that matter to you.
Email Notifications: Personalize your settings so that you don’t get emails for events that you’re not interested in.

Global Updates: Click “Filter” from the Global Updates panel and toggle each activity on and off according to what you’d like to see notifications for. This way you won’t have to look through a bunch of updates that you don’t find relevant to find the important things.