
7 Ways To Appraise Like A Pro With Anow
Our main goal at Anow is to simplify the lives of property appraisers and valuers with technology that automates and speeds up the appraisal process from start to finish. We've been releasing a lot of updates and new features recently, so we've decided to share some...

Have you digitized your business?
"I haven't printed out a piece of paper for my business in at least a year now, and the Anow mobile app is a lifesaver." - Mark Skapinetz When you’re in the business of delivering a product or service to a client, it’s important to keep things simple and organized....

Cut your report prep time down by AT LEAST 30 minutes
“All my property data, photos, tax files, mapping and notes live in the Anow system, which I keep open as I prepare my files. I don’t have to go into my email or remote storage,” Anow keeps appraisal teams of all sizes organized to help cut down the time spent on...

Everything you need to map your day at a glance
“I don’t have a boss, so I rely on Anow to tell me where I need to be and when I need to be there.” - Dave Starr For independent appraiser and 17-year veteran of the real estate industry Dave Starr, it’s critical to have the right technology in place to plan his day...

Lightning Appraisals achieves lightning-fast turn times
Since implementing Anow, business has never been better for Matthes. Inquisitive by nature, Matthes has identified the features in Anow that boost her job effectiveness and has customized her appraisal workflows for optimum efficiency. Here are some of her favorite things about Anow…

You shouldn’t be struggling to get reimbursed from your clients
"When AMCs cancel an appraisal order last minute, they typically only offer to reimburse drive time to the property. What they don't understand is that by the time I show up at a property, I've already completely 50-60 percent of the appraisal file..." - Dave Starr If...

Would you rather have a Big Mac combo or a virtual assistant?
"MailNOW [Anow's E-mail Parse tool] is like having a virtual assistant for the price of one Big Mac combo." - Dave Starr Whether it’s you or one of your admin staff, it’s likely that someone in your office is spending hours a week doing manual data entry work to...

Want to save yourself an hour of work a day?
"You just boosted Anow to the absolute best product I have ever used in my life. Even beating out my Keurig ;)" - Gina Reynolds Spending too much of your time and money on office administration work can slow down turn around times and decrease your overall revenue....

The 3 C’s: connect, communicate, and consistency
Having consistent communication between appraisers and to clients is critical in the success of a large firm. Creighton Cross, Owner and Chief Appraiser at Accurity - Braun & Associates, is faced with the daily task of overseeing collaboration and communication...

Diversifying your business? Do some “spring cleaning” first
Before you take steps to diversify your business, you need to make sure your core business is running like a well-oiled machine. If you already feel overwhelmed with your current workload, it will be hard to expand into non-lending markets. So first thing first: ask...